In today’s time there are many procedures that will help remove wrinkles from the face, restore the volume of the cheeks and cheekbones, make the skin toned and beautiful. One such procedure is threadlifting.

Tredlifting – what is it?
Trending is the newest procedure, which is a type of lifting.
Tredlifting is a procedure that helps to lift the face and strengthen the skin, due to the introduction of mesoniths. The mesothreads used in this procedure consist of polydioxanone. They are very thin and are able to dissolve under the skin. The process of introducing such filaments under the skin occurs with the help of needle-conductors (a thread is fixed on them), which can easily be separated even when the needle is placed in the skin. Approximately 40 threads are needed per problem area.
In addition to the fact that around the threads with time (1.5-2 months) the skeleton of a young fabric is formed, the skin does not sag, it remains firm and elastic. Due to the fact that this procedure helps the production of collagen, the complexion improves, the skin becomes younger, fresher.
You should not be afraid of pain, although the procedure takes place without anesthesia, because the threads used are very thin, the pain is not felt. Also, cosmetologists use an anesthetic cream that is applied to the skin of the face.
The duration of the procedure depends on the number of mezoniths, and can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, whereas the effect is visible for 2 years.
Tredlifting is contraindicated if the client has not yet turned 18. Prevention of tissue subsidence is necessary at the age of 35-45 years.
From A to Z
1. Consultation with a doctor (the doctor examines the problem parts of the skin of the face, determines the type and number of threads).
2. The client is placed in a chair, the skin of the face must be treated with an antiseptic, an anesthetic cream is applied.
3. The beautician applies markup, according to which, and the thread will be entered.
4. Introducing mesoniths occurs after removing them from sterile packaging.
– there is no surgical intervention;
– the procedure is safe;
– there are no scars or edemas on the face;
– there is no need for long-term rehabilitation;
– thread lifting will take a lot of time;
– 100% result;
– lasting effect.
Many cosmetologists advise doing trending, not delaying over time. After all, if you refuse this procedure when the problem has just begun to appear, then later only plastic surgery will be able to help you.
It is also advised to introduce complex mesothreads in order to obtain a 100% effect from this procedure. If you need to make a correction of the cheeks, then the thread should be injected over the entire face.
They do not advise treating customers who have infectious, oncological, autoimmune diseases, pregnant women, patients who have poor blood clotting, chronic diseases, and hypersensitivity to drugs.