Face mesotherapy

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Face mesotherapy price

More than half a century the leading position among cosmetology procedures is mesotherapy. It allows you to quickly and without the help of a plastic surgeon to rid the skin of traces that time inevitably leaves.

Beauty Cocktails

Mesotherapy of the face is an injection of various drugs. The recipe can be quite simple – to include only hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the cells, helps produce collagen. But most often the beautician creates an individual mix for each patient from minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts, acids. And this is already heavier artillery on the way to beauty and youth.

The procedure is much more effective than external means, such as creams and masks, thanks to the very principle of introducing beauty cocktails. With the help of the finest needle, they are able to reach the middle “floors” of the skin and from the inside to influence the work of the cells.


Hundreds of thousands of women around the world have already been able to evaluate the results of face mesotherapy before and after. They exceed the highest expectations. Therapeutic and anti-aging drugs that make up the cocktails, intensify metabolic processes and cell regeneration, increase the microcirculation of the blood, strengthen the structure of tissues, and endow it with elasticity. After the mesotherapy, the face is only positive. Enough of a couple of sessions to feel the miraculous effect of injections: the skin tightens, gains elasticity and healthy color, nasolabial folds become less pronounced, small wrinkles do not leave a trace, and large ones smoothly smooth out.

Мезотерапия на чистых прудах
Face mesotherapy moscow

This is an excellent remedy for a number of not only age, but also cosmetological problems:

• Pigment spots and freckles lose their color intensity or disappear completely;
• Disappear dark circles under the eyes;
• Face leave spider veins forever

Price of mesotherapy

The price of facial mesotherapy depends on the drugs that make up the beauty cocktails, and the number of procedures. To completely solve some cosmetic problems, you need several sessions. So, 2-3 procedures will help to get rid of wrinkles under eyes, face lifting will require twice as much.

In addition

The method of healing and rejuvenation of the skin is good in tandem with other cosmetic procedures. Doctors recommend mesotherapy before plastic surgery and after surgical correction of appearance, cosmetologists use as an addition to deep peels and laser polishing.

Make an appointment by phone: +7(916)005-02-24

Биоревитализация, мезотерапия, чистка, ботокс, диспорт, химический пилинг, коррекция и увеличение губ и носогубных складок метро Чистые пруды Тургеневская Сретенский бульвар