Shingles – treatment with a new effective method

Tired of the pain due to shingles?
Can not find an effective way to treat herpes zoster?

At the moment, a study is underway in which you can get free qualified help!
Contacts to join the group:


Doctor cosmetologist dermatovenerologist Vnukova Olga Leonidovna.

Speech at the 7th National Congress “Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology”
with a report on the topic: “The use of botulinum toxin in the treatment of complications of herpes zoster”.

Биоревитализация, мезотерапия, чистка, ботокс, диспорт, химический пилинг, коррекция и увеличение губ и носогубных складок метро Чистые пруды Тургеневская Сретенский бульвар