Botox Dysport

Ботокс диспорт
disport Chistye Prudy

Injection of Botox (Dysport) is one of the most popular ways of rejuvenation without surgery, which modern medicine has. The toxin, which is in the composition of the injection, temporarily relaxes the muscles on the face, which form undesirable facial wrinkles. Upon completion, the face will look relaxed and rejuvenated. In some cases, Botox injections are the best method to correct facial wrinkles. Injections are also used in the armpits, on the palms, in the soles.

Botox and Disport injections differ in the amount of active toxin in them and the manufacturer.

The procedure for the introduction of Botox consists of several injections, which are injected with thin needles directly into facial muscles. The injected toxin acts on the muscles, causing them to rest for a long time. The process takes several minutes, the duration of the effect reaches 5-6 months.

Despite the safety of the method, there are contraindications. It is undesirable to carry out the procedure during any illness if there are inflammatory processes at the intended injection site. Injections are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. After the application of the procedure, isolated cases of the spread of the injection for the desired area of ​​action of the drug. This phenomenon, as a rule, disappears by itself and without consequences.

Make an appointment by phone: +7(916)005-02-24

Eyelids gnaws

Биоревитализация, мезотерапия, чистка, ботокс, диспорт, химический пилинг, коррекция и увеличение губ и носогубных складок метро Чистые пруды Тургеневская Сретенский бульвар