Mesotherapy of the scalp

Luxurious thick hair – the dream of every woman. Although some representatives of the strong half of humanity would not have refused to return the old hair. Intensive hair loss, seborrhea, hair breakage … Where careful home care does not help, aesthetic cosmetology works successfully. In the list of services of a cosmetologist there is such an effective method as mesotherapy of the scalp.

Nutrition and Treatment

Good hair growth is impossible without healthy bulbs and nutrition. Ultra-thin needle injections allow you to deliver nutrients and growth-stimulating drugs directly to the roots. Mesotherapy prick can consist of various drugs, selected individually depending on a particular problem. Widely used antiseborrheic and anti-inflammatory drugs, cocktails based on vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid. The price of hair mesotherapy is formed depending on the required drug, as well as the area of ​​the treated area.

Advantages of the method

The procedure for mesotherapy hair has its undeniable advantages:
• Allows you to do without surgery
• Almost does not cause pain
• Has a lasting positive result.
• Fits all hair types.
• Complications are minimized.
• It is perfectly combined with many medical and cosmetic techniques.

Мезотерапия Чистые Пруды Внукова
Mesotherapy Vnukova

Universal remedy

Modern cosmetology uses mesotherapy for the improvement of hair not so long ago, but has already managed to achieve great success in this area. Procedures are recommended for:
• baldness;
• dry and brittle hair;
• split ends;
• diseases of the skin of the head (seborrhea, versicolor);
• loss of hair quality due to hormonal disruptions in the body, improper diet and medication in the treatment of serious diseases.


Usually, mesotherapy is prescribed by the course, this applies to all miraculous injections – to the face, neck and, of course, the scalp. One procedure is not able to radically change the situation, especially when it comes to hair – they need time to recover.

A full course of mesotherapy for hair consists of 8 sessions with an interval of 2-3 weeks. After visiting the office of a beautician, you can soon see excellent results. Loss is significantly reduced, new hair is actively growing, curls are pleased with shine and softness, and there is no trace of damage.

Make an appointment by phone: +7(916)005-02-24

Биоревитализация, мезотерапия, чистка, ботокс, диспорт, химический пилинг, коррекция и увеличение губ и носогубных складок метро Чистые пруды Тургеневская Сретенский бульвар